Wednesday, March 25, 2009

full circle

I purchased The Creative Entrepreneur by Lisa Sonora Beam a couple of months ago, and I am now beginning to go through it. Basically, it seems like a business planning, goal setting program which utilizes the art journal instead of a word processing program. That approach appeals to me, of course, so I grabbed an old Somerset Studio Art Journal calendar (appropriate, don't you think?) that came with some back issues I ordered, and went to work. I've only completed the first activity, so I can't report on the book as yet, but an interesting thing happened when I worked on the first collage. After laying down some background papers, I drew a hand in pencil. And I didn't like it. Granted, I don't usually use a 3B, but I just wasn't happy with it. I didn't like the pencil. So I added color, and didn't like that, either. Scrapping it all, I added a layer of paper on top of it, then grabbed my trusty 01 Pigma Micron. Yes, ink. I sketched the hand again, just pen, and finally, I was satisfied. In less than a year, I have come full circle. Ink is now my tool of choice most often. Who would have thought?

(Ugh! I had to scan this because it's midnight, but I hate scanned art. The colors look all off and the page looks too transparent. Oh, well! It's just an art journal page, after all!)


  1. This is very cool!! I love the transparency of the layers! And good for you for not giving up!! Glad you found your solution with regards to drawing the hand! Great job on this!

  2. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog Casey! Great to find your blog, I recognise some of your past artwork. I will be folowwing you now (trying not to sound like a stalker!!!)
